10 Principles Of Mindset

Most of my friends know this, and you especially know this if you have ever taken one of my classes—I preach “positive mindset.” This stems from the idea that there are five factors of health:

  1. How you eat
  2. How you move
  3. How you sleep
  4. How you think
  5. How you connect with other people

These are factors YOU have control over and factors that can impact your overall health. We could dive into each of these elements separately, but I would like to highlight one specific factor that I think gets overlooked more than most. That factor is how you think. How you think refers to your mindset. Most people tend to avoid discussing this topic because there are not any tangible results to help measure whether you have a positive mindset or not. To help get that mind right take a look at these ten principles of mindset. And as you read them, you will notice that most are intertwined somehow. This is not by accident . . .
Let’s get started!

  1. Prioritize first things first. Step back and take a look at the things that are truly important in life. Ask yourself, “What do I want out of life?” “What are my values?” Once those are in place, they can help guide the decisions you make throughout the day. Your values become priorities. This makes it easier when you need to make a decision about something; your values take president over anything else. Book recommendation: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey.
  2. Develop a growth mindset. Townie members know this all too well since it is one of the core values at the gym. But think about this: everything we can currently do in our life, we have learned to do. We didn’t wake up one day knowing how to tie our shoes or knowing how to drive a car or how to snatch a barbell. These are all things that we learned along the way because we kept an open mind. There are no limiting factors; you can become a lifelong learner. Book recommendation: Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck.
  3. Focus only on what you can control. Let go of all the things that you cannot control. What you have control over are your efforts and your responses to other people. You cannot control the weather, you cannot control if your child gets into the school you want, you cannot control if your sports team wins. Quit bogging down your mind with everything outside of your control and focus on what you can control.
  4. Grind through the obstacles. This is referring to grit. Grit is passion and perseverance over a long period of time. Find something you love to do, and do more of it. Look at the obstacles along the way as opportunities to help further your growth. Things get thrown at us every day, and it is easy to look at them as something that will sidetrack you, but it is actually the complete opposite. These obstacles help your growth. Book recommendation: Grit: The Power of Passion & Perseverance by Angela Duckworth.
  5. Own your intention. Your intention is what you pay attention to. Make everything you do intentional. Be intentional with your thoughts, your time, and your actions.
  6. Question your self-limiting beliefs. We tend to put reserves on ourselves because most of us like to play it safe. If you remove these reserves, you will start to notice that growth opportunities are everywhere. Stop looking at what you cannot do and instead look at what you can do. Eliminate the words like “should”
    and “can’t.” In your vocabulary practice changing the word “can’t” to won’t. Remember that everything in your life is a choice.
  7. Never whine, never complain, and never make excuses. In a nutshell, this is just simply saying, stop looking at the negatives of everything. When you take a step back and look at the situation as an opportunity, the obstacle becomes part of the process. When you envision yourself excelling, you do better. On the other hand, when you are looking at negatives, you don’t tend to do as well. This is a very contagious mindset as well. Often when you ask someone how they are doing, and their repose is “crappy, having a really bad day.” You tend to get drug down by them. Practice reframing your mindset and looking at
    the opportunities and not the obstacles.
  8. Actively listen to others. When someone is telling you a new idea, don’t be so quick to shoot it down, but just sit, listen, and absorb. When you have these interactions with others, pay attention to see if there is something you can learn from someone else. This will only help you grow as a person.
  9. Transform every “have to” into a “get to.” This is all about gratitude. You don’t have to pick up your kids, you get to; you don’t have to go
    to the gym, you get to; you don’t have to go to work, you get to. If you shift that one little thing, all of a sudden, life seems to make a shift as well. Start thinking that these “obligations” in life aren’t obligations, but are actually privileges.
  10. Chase excellence. One of the essential components of being a human being is trying to improve. We are continually learning, growing, and evolving. Excellence allows you to embrace the failures as you continue to try to improve. Book recommendation: Chasing Excellence by Ben Bergeron.

Written By, Coach Toni Hinz

Head Youth Coach, Group Coach, and Personal Trainer

CFL1 Trainer, Brand X Method Youth Strength Coach, Two Brain First Degree Coach

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