What brought you to Townie in the first place?
I started Townie after seeing Joy Knop at the YMCA one day after she had worked out at Townie. She told me it was different than any other gym she had ever experienced and it was worth every penny. I was looking for accountability and direction so I gave it a try, and Joy was right. I soon discovered that working out helped keep my anxiety and depression, that I have experienced since the death of my brother, at bay. I’m able to come workout every day with people that care about me, and leave it all on the mat.
What was your first impression? How has that changed?
My first impression was that I might be out of my league, but that soon changed. Every workout can be scaled for everyone. I feel myself getting stronger every day.
What was your first “bright spot” or accomplishment?
My first “bright spot” was double unders. I just recently figured them out, and I was so excited. It still makes me smile to think about it.
What are you working on now?
I’m working on my upper body strength now. I can now do “regular” push ups. I’m hoping to get my first pullup soon.
What’s your favorite thing about working out at Townie?
I love everything about Townie. It’s such a family. We’ve got each others backs, we love each other, and everyone cheers each other on during the workout and in life.