The Mid-Year Mini Comp is almost here!

We’re thrilled to announce our Mid-Year Mini-Comp (MYMC), starting on June 16th and continuing on the 23rd and 30th. 

This exciting event spread over the last three Fridays of the month, offers you a chance to bring out your competitive spirit, test your fitness, and throwdown on 3 awesome workouts midway through the year.

Like the CrossFit Open, MYMC will be incorporated into our class workouts each Friday.

There will be Performance and Fitness versions of each workout, as well as variations of the workout and leaderboards for different age divisions. Open (up to 39), Masters (40-49), Grandmasters (50+). We’ll be highlighting and dishing out prizes for top athletes in each division as well as a raffle for a new pair of shoes if you complete all 3 MYMC workouts.

First workout will be announced this Monday and it all starts Friday, June 16th!

fill out the form below to get started!

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