We are always looking at the best ways to improve what we’re doing, and how we can provide an even better experience. It’s important to constantly evolve and evaluate how we can be better. Just like we tell all of you!
We’ve had an eye on the Level Method for years, met it’s founder and developer, spent multiple hours researching, interviewed multiple gyms, and truly believe it is a game-changer in the CrossFit world.
We are FIRED UP to implement the Level Method, and confident it will be an amazing addition to the Townie Fitness Community. Be sure to sign up for your Level Method account on Chalk It Pro (it’s free for you) here if you haven’t already: https://chalkitpro.com/gymmembersqr?id=TFCommunity.
Starting Monday, May 17th we will no longer be using SugarWOD. If you would like to export your SugarWOD data, click here to learn how: https://help.sugarwod.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003724008-How-can-I-export-my-workout-data-from-SugarWOD-
How Does The Level Method Work?
The Level Method is a levels based system that measures your overall fitness by assessing 15 different categories. It’s a better way to objectively measure different areas of fitness to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Think about it as a martial arts belt system for fitness.
There are multiple categories/assessments, some examples being: Lower Body Push, Upper Body Pull, Lactic Tolerance, Rowing, Weightlifting, and Flexibility. From the very beginner to the super advanced, there is a place for everyone. You’ll get an individual level for each category, and once you have completed all categories, you will get an overall level.
You’ll also be given a breakdown of your relative strength (your strength relative to your body weight) as well as your objective strength (how much can you squat bro).
Finally, you’ll see an ‘Energy Systems Breakdown’. We’ve covered energy systems in previous blog posts, but essentially this is a measure of raw strength/power, stamina, and cardiovascular endurance.
Once we know your level and finish our 3 weeks of initial assessments, this will help the coaches better identify how to help you achieve the desired workout stimulus for the day. Your overall level is based on your lowest level (you get a bonus bump up in your 2 weakest categories!), so the fastest way to level up is to work those weaknesses! Once we know your level you will then know the exact tailored workout that you will be doing on that specific day. This will provide you with customized programming for your specific level for each and every workout.
How Will This Benefit Me?
We’re turning fitness into a real-life video game, except the character we’re leveling up is you! We’re going to get you hooked on health and fitness and make getting better irresistible. We’ll have promotion ceremonies and make you feel like the champion you are.
The system gives a clear picture of your current ability level and where your strengths and weaknesses lie. It’s also going to help a ton with how to modify/scale correctly each day.
Level Method is another way for our coaches to recommend the ideal path to reach your goals. Do you need to improve your rowing endurance? We can host a rowing specialty clinic with Coach Mike. Want to improve your Olympic Weightlifting to level up? Schedule a PT session with Coach Lauren. Need to finally level up your pull ups? Coach Toni will host a pull up clinic. This is the kind of thing Level Method allows us to do. CrossFit is unparalleled in its ability to improve quality of life when it is implemented properly under the watchful eye of a caring coach. Level Method will help us better know our clients and make our service even better!
How Will The Level Method Be Implemented?
Beginning Monday, May 17th we’ll have a 3 week long assessment cycle. Assessments will be done in all regular CrossFit classes over the course of the three weeks. We will be testing each assessment multiple times over the course of the three week so you will have opportunities to make up missed assessments and even level up again over the course of the first three weeks. The goal with this initial 3 week assessment is to get everyone in the gym on the map with a starting point for each of the 15 assessments. All we are asking you to do, is make an effort to be at the gym as much as possible during the 3 week assessment period. To make sure everyone has an opportunity to get their initial levels, each Saturday during the first 3 weeks will be run as a day to make up any misses assessments during the course of the week. We will also have an alternate workout that day for those who have already finished their assessments for the week and still want to get a workout in. Below is the schedule of tests and events for the next 3 weeks and you can also see this schedule programmed in Chalk It Pro.
After our 3 week initial assessments, we will return to normal gym programming with a new focus on individual program design based off of your individual level. Now the real magic happens when we retest our assessments in about 3 months and you will have the opportunity to level up and see how much you have improved and set new goals. We will also have certain days where we will do a single assessment in our regular programming. For example, a 1RM Deadlift day would be a good chance to level up.
We are so excited to continue to level up Townie and introduce our members to this incredible new system. Thank you for trusting us with your fitness and we will always strive to deliver the best fitness experience to you! If you have any questions email us at info@towniefitness.com or talk to a coach and we will be happy to help. See you in the gym.